Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)
The Open Records Act, C.R.S. 24-72-201, et. seq., provides that all public records are open to public inspection except as may be separated by law. It is our policy to make public records available for public inspection at reasonable times unless such records are protected from disclosure by law, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). There are fees associated with requests for copies or requests that require school resources to provide.
Redundant, frequent, arbitrary, or irrational requests perceived to intentionally disrupt the conduct of routine school business shall be denied. If a court finds that the denial of the right to inspect was proper and the action was frivolous, vexatious, or groundless, court costs and reasonable attorney fees may be awarded to the custodian (school).
Colorado Open Records Fee Policy
When the school receives a CORA request, the custodian may estimate the research and retrieval time it will take to research and retrieve the records requested. The estimate of time and the appropriate fee may be provided to the requestor before work is performed, to determine if the requestor seeks to move forward with his/her request, understanding the associated cost. Requestors agree to pay a non-refundable 50% deposit prior to compilation of records, as well as final costs before receipt of documents. A refund will be given if the actual cost is less than the deposit.