Intent to Enroll

Watch “Our Story” here.  Vea “Nuestra historia” aquí.

“Our Story” video – click on picture to play. Haga clic en la imagen de arriba para reproducir el video.

Thank you for your interest in Community Leadership Academy and Victory Preparatory Academy!

We are a public charter school located in Commerce City, Colorado and are open to all students to apply. Enrollment is not limited by any geographical residential boundaries.

Applying to CLA/VPA is very easy.

Please review this link: click here

If you have any other questions, would like to schedule a tour of the school, or need any additional information please feel free to reach out to us any time.

Thank you!

Phone: (303) 288-2711    Fax: (720) 369-3375

¡Gracias por su interés en Community Leadership Academy y Victory Preparatory Academy!

Somos una escuela pública charter ubicada en Commerce City, Colorado y estamos abiertos a todos los estudiantes para aplicar. La inscripción no está limitada por ningún límite geográfico residencial.

Aplicar a CLA/VPA es muy fácil.

Por favor revise este enlace: HAGA CLIC AQUI

Si tiene alguna otra pregunta, desea programar un recorrido por la escuela o necesita información adicional, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros en cualquier momento.


Teléfono: (303) 288-2711 Fax: (720) 369-3375

There are significant differences in the academic environments our schools provide.

These differences should be considered thoroughly when contemplating enrolling your students at CLA/VPA due to their potential impact on both students and families.  Our students are responsible for focused participation in intensely rigorous academic activities throughout each school day.  Students are also accountable for behavior consistent with highly successful academic achievement practices.  The school day and year for our academies are also longer than other schools.  Students will be answerable for homework almost every school day and academic packets during school breaks in spring, summer, and even winter break.

These differences may create challenges and/or anxiety for students and families who have become accustomed to previous school environments, which are significantly less rigorous and significantly less successful.  This information was motivated through our experiences with families who have enrolled their students in our schools, then complain about the level of rigor and commitment involved.

Our schools have won numerous awards and have been recognized nationally for our students academic achievement.  We offer students the opportunity to receive a quality education and become equipped to succeed academically as well as future life goals.  Students and families who embrace this opportunity with a commitment to discipline and hard work are thriving and happy.

It is imperative that families who are contemplating enrolling students in these schools consider thoroughly all aspects of the CLA/VPA experience mentioned here.

Enrollment Policy


Community Leadership Academy/Victory Preparatory Academy requires that all students wanting to attend submit an “Intent to Enroll” form prior to or during the open enrollment period. Submitting an “Intent to Enroll” form DOES NOT GUARANTEE that your child will have the opportunity to enroll. All “Intent to Enroll” forms received prior to or during the open enrollment period will be assigned a wait list number.

Open Enrollment Period:
  • Open enrollment for each school year will end at midnight (MST) April 15th.
  • All “Intent to Enroll” forms received prior to that time will be considered for enrollment for the upcoming school year.
  • Families that applied in a prior year but were not extended an invitation to enroll do not need to re-submit an “Intent to Enroll” form.
  • The Open Enrollment Period shall be advertised and made public within the school community at least fourteen (14) days prior to completion of the open enrollment period, so as to provide equal opportunity to all interested students.
  • Students may continue to be added to the wait list after April 15th.
Priority for Enrollment:

Priority for enrollment is given to the following classes of students; these classes are listed in order of priority:

  1. Children of Founders of Community Leadership Academy* (as defined below);
  2. Children of employees of CLA/VPA* (as defined below).

*The combined total of these shall not comprise more than 20% of total student enrollment.

Availability to Enroll:

If the number of “Intent to Enroll” forms received is less than or equal to the number of student spaces available for any grade, the school will extend an opportunity to enroll to any child for whom a completed “Intent to Enroll” form was received by the school prior to the end of the open enrollment period.

If the number of “Intent to Enroll” forms received is greater than the number of student spaces available for any grade, depending on campus policy, the school will hold a lottery during the third week of April. An opportunity to enroll will be extended to the lottery recipient on or before May 1st of each academic year, for enrollment during the following academic year.

Any “Intent to Enroll” forms received by the school prior to the close of the open enrollment period, and for whom an opportunity to enroll was NOT extended will be held in on the waitlist in the event of a vacancy prior to September 30th.


  • Upon receiving notification of opportunity to enroll via telephone, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child(ren) shall provide acceptance to the school’s secretary no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the notification of availability was given (excluding holidays and weekends). Enrollment forms must be completed within one-week of providing verbal acceptance. If no verbal acceptance is received within forty-eight (48) hours after notification of availability, or enrollment forms were not completed within the time allowed, the school will deem that the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child(ren) have declined to enroll the child(ren) in the school, and the school may then notify availability to another child.
Founder Definition:
  • An individual involved in the founding of CLA who contributed 200 or more hours toward the creation of the organization and approved by the School’s board of directors.
Employee Definition:
  • An individual currently employed by CLA/VPA who works more than 20 hours per week for the organization. “Employee” does not include contractors or vendors of any kind.

Returning students are required to complete an “Intent to Return” form and complete the registration documents prior to April 1st annually.


Requests from the parents of special education students for admission shall be considered in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.  The student’s current Individual Education Plan (IEP) shall be used to determine if the requested school or program can meet the student’s needs.  Once the student is admitted, the school shall conduct a staffing to update the IEP, if necessary.


Community Leadership Academy/Victory Preparatory Academy does not make any distinction on account of race, national origin, sex, ethnic group, religion, marital status, or disability of any student who may be in attendance or who seeks admission.


Any forms submitted to the school for enrollment that contain false information or any forms with requested information withheld or not disclosed will cause the enrollment/request for enrollment to be considered invalid and the child(ren) will be immediately removed from the waiting list or other records. If enrollment has already occurred prior to the discovery of false information or withheld information, the enrollment will be immediately revoked.

All forms must be completed in order for a child to be enrolled.  Forms that are incomplete will render the enrollment invalid.

Community Leadership Academy/Victory Preparatory Academy is a school of choice. Choice may be revoked as allowed by statute. The student’s attendance must be prompt and regular, and the student’s conduct must be in accordance with school policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.